The graduate students are responsible for creating an ebook of all of the technologies we wrote about in our individual papers for the 4407/5507 course. The purpose of the ebook was to have a compiled book of all of our technology tools in one place online that anyone could access. We were given the options to create a website or a wiki, but in the process of researching these we discovered GitBook, which was the perfect tool to create our ebook.
I spent some time going through GitBook's tutorials and help pages. GitBook is a command line tool for building books using Git and Markdown.
Git is a version control system that tracks changes and coordinates those changes among multiple people. It's usually used for source code management but can be really useful in tracking changes in any set of files. It's non-linear, so the version control is faster and has greater data integrity than something like Google Drive applications, which are designed with version control in mind but are pretty limited.
Markdown is an LML (lightweight markup language) with plain text formatting syntax. It is specifically designed to be converted to HTML. Markdown is usually used to format readme files and allows them to be viewed online in a readable format. You might call it a "text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers." It keeps data structured and can be compiled into different formats, HTML being the most common.
Maybe GitBook will come in handy for you too. At the very least, exposing yourself to these technologies is a great way to become more computer literate, which is becoming increasingly important.
I spent some time going through GitBook's tutorials and help pages. GitBook is a command line tool for building books using Git and Markdown.
Git is a version control system that tracks changes and coordinates those changes among multiple people. It's usually used for source code management but can be really useful in tracking changes in any set of files. It's non-linear, so the version control is faster and has greater data integrity than something like Google Drive applications, which are designed with version control in mind but are pretty limited.
Markdown is an LML (lightweight markup language) with plain text formatting syntax. It is specifically designed to be converted to HTML. Markdown is usually used to format readme files and allows them to be viewed online in a readable format. You might call it a "text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers." It keeps data structured and can be compiled into different formats, HTML being the most common.
Maybe GitBook will come in handy for you too. At the very least, exposing yourself to these technologies is a great way to become more computer literate, which is becoming increasingly important.
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