Today's technology knows no bounds and organizations are eager to stay competitive. The best way to do that is to implement as many avenues as possible to reach people. Podcasts are gaining traction as a popular marketing tool because they are convenient, engaging, and appeal to a mass audience. A podcast is a set of audio files that are available to download from the internet. Users can subscribe and receive notifications when new episodes are available. 5 Reasons Podcasts are Awesome 1. Use it instead of video Sometimes organizations don't have the skills or expensive equipment to make a video that will benefit their business. Podcasts are a great alternative because you can effectively get your message out there without all the fuss of a video. 2. Easy to create Podcasts can be recorded easily and by anyone. They are time-effective to make and easy to distribute. The equipment needed to record a podcast is inexpensive and editing software is free . All you need t...